Making life a meaningful spiritual adventure
A platform dedicated to spreading the Truth in all areas of life and learning from the people of knowledge around the world.
Why was I ever created?
Everyday I meditate upon this, and every night I groan
Why is my own existence to myself the least known?

Whence have I come, why this coming here?
Where to must I go, when will my home to me be shown?

Whatever is of the celestial realm, of that I speak
I am ready to go, my clothes are packed to be away thrown.

Joyous be that day that in search of the beloved
I take wing towards that land, upon that air I am flown.

Where is that ear that can hear my speech and song?
Who is the one who puts voice in this mouth of dust and stone?

I did not come here on my own accord, nor will I thus leave
He who brought me here, shall return me to my very own.

I am a bird of Paradise, I am not of the earthy realm
For a few days imprisoned in my cage of flesh and bone.

My soul is my guide, for my soul is of that abode
I will not speak of the earthly, I am of the unknown.

Classic poem by Rumi

"You wander from room to room, hunting for the diamond necklace, that is already around your neck."


"In everybody there is a piece of flesh, if it is healthy, the whole body is healthy, and if it is sick, the whole body is sick. Beware! it is the heart!"

Prophet Muhammad pbuh

"The meaning of life is to find your gift. The purpose of life is to give it away."

Pablo Picasso

Created by Najmuddin Dost

.Net and React contractor
